I had a TBI in June 2004 and have found that multitasking is the number one cause of overload for me. For instance if I am doing something on the computer and my son walks up and asks me something I almost instantly become overwhelmed and often sharply say something like " ahhhhh.. Im trying to get this done!!!" I don’t like being a rude father and have found that instead of trying to figure out what they are asking while im in the middle of something else i have to completely stop the other activity and give full attention to my son. This often results in me having to completely start over on what i was doing, but at least my son will like me in years to come. :D Doing more than one thing at a time is very hard for me since my TBI. When I go to Wal-Mart I just have to stay focused on what I am doing and block out other things. There are some exceptions... i.e. if I don’t really care about either of the 2 stimulations. i.e... Listening to a song and folding a sheet then I am fine. when I am emotionally into something like studying something and trying to learn then it is only one thing at a time.