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in honesty
Wrenn Views: 2,990
Published: 20 y
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in honesty

i don't know what to tell you , since we are each so unique.
brain injuries etc can be dealing with a broad spectrum of potentials.

please read thru all the posts at beginning of bottom of this page.

i still have days when i have pain from the head injuries i recieved and it has been well over a decade now .
(about 12 almost 13 years in fact.)
i am incredibly sensitive to people walking hard on floor around me. i can feel the vibrations as if someone was hitting my head.

quick sharp loud noises can almost make me fall down,
many sounds i can't identify but greatly impact me..

the brain is such a fragile organ,
it can rejuvenate to incredible degrees,
and i am living proof of that..
but also you need to give yourself time.

don't fret over what timeline YOU think you should heal in ,
to do that only creates stress,
and makes you feel you are falling short of some perhaps unattainable goal at this point in your life.

learn to accept who you are now, and relax,
the most important thing i can tell you is each and every day.
love yourself ,
love your brain,
talk and pamper yourself in your head as if you were a child...

it is ok to be confused about what to do
and to be concerned about pain.
please read thru all those posts from about a year ago
that i put here (with permission from author)
beginning with *hello from your brain,*
then goto *how the brain is hurt*
and work your way down a bit at a time.

in the meantime i will refresh my mind and check on some natural herbs you might want to try for pain reducing effects
that you can make into teas.
i need to goto sleep badly right now,
but i will add to this post tomorrow if able and maybe we can at least do something about your pain.

my sincere empathy.

remember .. most of all .. no regrets,
don't waste energy trying to get back who you were..

accept the NOW ...and NOW you are altered,
and moving forward from here every moment.

you alone can choose what you will become
by all the choices and energies you put into today.

with deep, sincere hopes for your release from pain.

Ami Joi Benton


i don't know what to tell you , since we are each so unique.
brain injuries etc can be dealing with a broad spectrum of potentials.

please read thru all the posts at beginning of bottom of this page.

i still have days when i have pain from the head injurie si recieved and it has been well over a decade now about 12 almost 13 years in fact.
i am incredibly sensitive to people walking hard on floor around me i can feel the vibrations as if someone was hitting my head.

quick sharp loud noises can almost make me fall down,
many sounds i can't identify but greatly impact me..

the brain is such a fragile organ, it can rejuvenate to incredible degrees, and i am living proff of that..
but also you need to give yourself time.

don't fret over what timeline YOU think you should heal in , to do tha tonly cresates stress and make syou feel youare fallign shor tof soem perhaps unatainalbe goal at this point in your life.

learn to accept who you are now, and relax,
the most important thing i can tell you is each and every day.
love yourself ,
love your brain,
talk and pamper yourself in your head as if you were a child...

it is ok to be confused about what to do
and to be concerned about pain.
please read thru all those posts from about a year ago tha ti put here beginning with a letter from your brain.

in the meantime i will refresh my mind and check on some natural herbs you might want to try for pain reducing effects
that you can make into teas.
i need to goto sleep badly right now,
but i will add to this post tomorrow if able and maybe we can at least do something about your pain.

my sincere empathy.
remember .. most of all .. no regrets,
don't waste energy tryign to get back who you were
accept the NOW and NOW you are altered,
and moving forward from here every moment.

you alone can choose what you will become
by all the choices and energies you put into today.
with deep, sincere hopes for your release from pain.
Ami Joi Benton


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