Ganoderma helps ! Read testimonies here
I firmly believe, that one does not need pharamcetical drugs to heal.
I think if you or a loved one, find your self dealing with head injuries.. the most natural way of healing is always the gentlest
and lest intrusive.. and rarely if ever has bad sid eeffcts/ or toxic qualities which would only further the end result.
I think after reading some ways to understand how to deal with certain issues.. which i myself know from experince to be true..
still healing myself after 12years ago recieving massive head injuries...
that there is far better healing to be gotten thru / laying on of hands.../ energy therapies/ and also thru natural herbs.
our body is a natural energy created unit and i know it is capable of rejuvenating it self with natural means and more importantly , a supportive, nuturing environment.
my advice to you woudl be seek a good holistic based healer...
and let them help you heal in the gentlest way possible
not with toxic chemicals that were man created...
but by the means that nature ahs supplied us with abundantly
to work hand in hand with our inticate energy systems that house our eternal spirits.
we have an excellent holistic doctor on teh ask Andreas forum..
and has a vast knowledge of herb also to help ease symptoms as they heal..
we also have a master herbalist on ask Dr.
Schulze Forum .. and BOB on curezone team forum know a great deal about properties and applications of herbs..
Lapis has a vast knowledge of holistic healing...
i woudl ask to to consult with them before considerign taking chemical drugs.. and esp for advice concerning any health issue questions you may have/ or evne references tha t they may have to lead you further on your road to a new and rejuvenated you *)
the road is long... with many a winding turn...
remember ?
so on we go.... (his welfare is my concern)
while we're on the road.. (together)
why not share?
and i know... he would not encumber me...
(he ain't heavy....)
he's my brother...
with you always in spirit
to help you find your way back
to the door of home
the house of love
to which you were born.
from one who has been there
Ami Joi Benton