Thank you for your response.
Could you tell me what you mean about foot pads. I am not familiar with what this is.
Also, what detoxes have you done?
I have done the parasite cleanse and am on the maintenance program and 3 liver cleanses resulting in about 250 stones.
I was encouraged after the first 2 liver cleanses and could see an improvement in my balance but this last one has left me
with little improvement. I am also feeling depressed and I know from reading on the liver cleanse forum that that can be a
symptom after a cleanse. I used Dr. Clark's protocol for the cleanses but don't think I can tolerate the epsom salt anymore.
I also have to go very slow. I am very sensitive to everything. I have food allergies, chemical sensitivies, celiac - but the main
symptom I have to contend with on a daily basis is imbalance and fatigue. I really hope to see an improvement in this.
Thank you again and I would love for you to share with me everything you have done and what protocol you used.