face gel/improve skin quality
Sage and Comfrey Gel for skin quality
(sage soothing and antibacterial:
comfrey antiseptic (knit bone)
tea tree essential oil (optional)
4 tablespoons aloe vera gel
2 tablespoons sage fresh is best/ dried ok
2 tablespoons comfrey
1 drop tea tree essential oil (optional)
make sure aloe vera gel is cold.
make a strong infusion with all the herbs
by immersing them in hot water just to cover them
leave them for at least 2 hours.
strain off the herbs and begin to blend
with the gel working it in slowly.
youwill probaly not need allthe infusion.
you do not want the mixture real thin.
btw use glass to steep in/ & glass to mix & store
might just keep any left over infusion and dilute
it / dab 100 % cotton ball in it and wipe face with
it as an overall rinse in evening 8)
ANYHOW ...to use your gel:
apply to clean face in a thin film
allow to dry before putting on any makeup
(think of it as na undermakeup moisturizer)
or use it directly only on face blemishes
in this case add the drop tea tree oil whne mixing.
keep in fridge