DRY & SPLIT ENDS: deep condition treatments
egg yolk :take one lightly beaten egg yolk
rub it in to damp hair.
leave on 10 minutes
rinse with LUKEWARM water
(not hot, or it will cook in your hair.)
almond oil: gently massage into hair and scalp.
work it down and thru ends.
wrap a warm towel around head
(to increase absorption)
wash hair thorouhly after 20 minutes.
this will also help clear dandruff.
olive oil: intensive 6 hour treatment
apply like almond oil one above.
cover head with a plastic cap
put a towel on pillow.
wash out thoroughly next morning.
jojoba and vanilla: overnight treatment
esp good for sealing split ends,
dry hair,a nd removing grime.
ingredients; 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
2 tablespoons apricot kernel oil
1 vanilla pod
to make: mix oils together in screwtop jar.
place vanilla pod in oils
put top on and let infuse 3 days.
do not refridgerate it !
it will slow the infusion process.
to use: apply to dry hair /leave on min 1 hour
better to leave on overnight.
wrap hair in an old towel
so don't stain pillow
if hair is long, tie up/tuck into towel.
note: comb conditioner thru hair to the ends.
next day rinse off as usual
or shampoo for squeaky clean hair.