If only all could....
There's no way that something like this can produce positive effects in my opinion, no matter how you look at it.
There are many people who live no where near the countryside, think of the folks in New York City, for instance. As much as some may despise living in a concrete jungle, millions have no choice. Other individuals lack either the time or ability to make their own concoctions, it's only a limited few who can be so resourceful. Organic produce is very limited in some areas or not at all.
There are of course many here on Curezone who advocate against the use of supplements, but by and large, to the great majority who have turned away from conventional medicine, supplements have been a Godsend.
Personally, if they were to do away with green superfoods which have beeen a staple for my family's breakfast for years, I would feel devastated. Also, I can't imagine life without vitamin C crystals or antiparasitics. Ouch!