Holosync & Why I like it!
Thanks Owen for taking the time to write your very informative post. I think there are probably people here who would definately receive benefit from this program.
I loved your metaphor that Holosync is like a liver cleanse for the brain. Indeed it is. For me it was brain detox. I have been doing the program for about 15 months, religiously, 1 hour per day.
When I read the post above these about the abusive mother, I could REALLY relate. Both of my parents were abusive and I had many years of alternating
Depression and anger and why me? Overeating, smoking, drinking too much.
From the start I found Holosync to be very soothing and would put me into a meditative sleep. My friends would tease me, oh you're just napping! ;^) Really , I insisted I am exercising my brain!
I found that Holosync for me was like an archealogical dig. I would think about things from my past and give them up and release them. Poof they would float away after I turned my minds eye on them for a bit.
Like you, very little rattles my cage anymore. I am more relaxed, happier, and have kept an open mind regarding my intuition. The more I trust my intuition the better my life gets. There is a powerful synchronicity in my life now. I can think things and they happen with little or no work.
Many things have revealed themselves to me since I started the Holosync program: this website, Andreas books (esp. Freedom from Judgement)and the teachings of Abraham (see abraham-hicks.com).
All of this information has helped me improve my health, both mental and physical.
Holosync comes with a 1 year money back guarantee. That helped me decide to take a chance on the program. I am on the third set of cd's and really appreciate the ability to record my own affirmations to include in my cd's. I think that is a great feature.
Several of my close friends have been astonished at the change in me (for the better). They in turn have started doing the program. One friend with a very messed up life has found great relief from the cd's.
Hope this information helps any readers out there in the ether. I too was going to order the new cd's touted by mercola.com to compare. I take Holosync with me on planes and trains, last year I flew 60k miles! It definately helps the stress on modern travel.