>I came here because I am a Gnositc as was the early church but I guess I am in the wrong place.
Please do not go. If I understand your statement above correctly then you are a Gnostic? If so then this forum is for you too. It seems that there are many varying beliefs in Gnosticsm. I am trying to understand them. I hate to admitt it but I am so confused. I love reading all of your guys posts so much. You are all so intelligent and informative. Maybe since Gnostiscsm has so many varying beliefs we should keep that in mind when we discuss the differnces. Well I am not really sure what I am trying to say. I really enjoy Rudenskis post as well as yours. I have been reading both your posts on agape love. I love you both. I am not just typing this I really do feel love and compassion for you. Is this some aspect of agape love? Do you think we can really love each other thru our differences?
Anyways I hope you stay.
I am also very curious about you Gnostic beliefs.
If you have any website links to help me understand better I would appreciate you posting them.:)