Limited in their bredth but they will help. I would juice alot of cabbage. You really want to juice alot for balanced PH. If one does have H Pylori, mastic gum is a major help. but again the terrain is critical.
"Laboratory tests have shown that mastic can kill at least seven strains of H. pylori and clinical trials report that it can improve symptoms in patients with ulcers. In one placebo-controlled trial, patients with medically confirmed duodenal ulcers were given either one gram of mastic or a placebo every day for two weeks. A staggering 80% of those taking the mastic reported a definite improvement in their symptoms. In 70% of these happy clients, a re-examination of their ulcers, by endoscope, astounded doctors who found the previous ulcerations had been completely replaced by normal cells. Better still, nobody reported any side-effects."