Re: What is depression?
Greets San2006,
You’ve done well stating your perception within the limits of your own experience.
You are correct, but the answer is your stated perception and more.
You think of
Depression in only a mental context. An example: My Mother died, I’m depressed.
The reality is, far more people have
Depression due to chemical imbalances.
Dr. Schultz gives a great account of a man diagnosed him with clinical depression.
In a year and a half they took him to four different hospitals, they had him on three different drugs, Prozac, Valium and other similar Valium-like substances to keep him sane.
Simple (but intense) bowel cleansing cured him. (Yep, full of Sheet)
I did a modified Live Flush the other day. I had the feeling of dread come up and stay with me for a couple of hours.
Depression can be mental, physical or even a mental imprint such as early child abuse.
Hope this helps.