Glad to hear the good news. Here is some info I looked up that seems to go along with what your doing.
An allergic response occurs when the body's immune system goes haywire and reacts to normally harmless substances that become allergins or is simply the body's reaction to something foreign in the system. The body produces antibodies to fight the allergins. Symptoms are usually caused by one particular antibody immunoglobuline E or IgE, a protein molecule. Antibodies attach themselves to cells and eventually explode releasing among other things HISTIMINE. When the body is sulfur defficient the cell walls become hard and stiff hindering the flow of fluid through the cell walls. MSM, which is a sulfur compound, softens the cell walls, increases fluid movement through cells, and helps move allergins, foreign proteins, and free radicals out of the system. And of course you would need hydration to increase this fluid movement.