Let me explain why I need sunblock (I think :) )
I NEVER use sunblock...NEVER...but I travel to Peru every summer and the elevation there is something like 11,000 feet mountain area and very harsh with the sun...and dry. It is intense, and I although I have done lots of cleanses, fasts, my skin is still sensitive.
I have to walk into town to get food (2 miles) one way, so this is not for a pleasure I am at the beach thing.
I eat pretty healthy now
wonderful when I am there fruit, veggies no processed food,only water, etc
Last summer was pretty bad for me (pre-cleanse)but
I only need one for my face because it is winter there. I wear a hat .
In the US I am fine with nothing.
...there I would rather have protection for 3 weeks or at
the very least see how I react but have it with me (cant find stuff there you know)