19 y
Re: Curing a “permanent” sinus infection???
Check on your dental work; if you have
root canals then it can be highly related to your sinus infection as they will be sources of bacterial infection - removal of the infected tooth is typically the most effecient way to solve the problem. If you do have a focal infection like
root canal your immune system might not be able to fight where the actual infection resides due to restricted blood flow and this can progress to chronic symptoms like chronic sinusitis (immune system fighting infection surroundings 24/7).
Check for environmental factors like building molds, cosmetics allergies (what do you permanently do or use for the last 30years). The key is to check for trends.
Heavy metal accumulation can also scalate to chronic sinusitis.
Also check for
food allergies - you said you change your diet to raw and they cleared up so by avoiding some foods or the food processing could of helped the sinuses.(i find metabolic typing to be a reliable way to guide your diet but first listen to your body)
A good way to find
food allergies is via meridian stress assessment, where various food/anything "signals" are applied to accupuncture points to detect an energetic flow change across the specific meridian. I think its quite popular amongst naturopaths nowadays.
Whatever the cause may be, a good thorough cleansing can put things back in order.