Thanks so much for this info.. But, she is allergic to sulfa drugs. As far as I was told by the dr. that there are only 2 meds out there that really treat this and she was on one of them for 6 weeks.. not he wants her back on it for another 6 weeks... she got really sick last time and I dont want her on it again. I am trying the iodine.. and it is funny because for a couple of days on providone-iodine she seemed to be getting better. This only has one percent Iodine in it so my mom brought me some that was different and had 2 percent Iodine in it. Well, after one application of that it was 100 percent worse the next morning...She has already lost a very small patch of hair and they said it will not grow back.. I am feeling like this is getting very urgent with this in mind.. remember she has had this since last summer.. I find this amazing.. Oh and just for your info I also tryed clear nail polish.. that did not work well on the scalp as it would keep cracking and then be very stuck in the hair..LOL,., getting desperate lol... Anyway not to chew your ear off.. Thanks again.