Re: Amalgams and cleansing
Hi Invincible...Excellent post. It's so true, the mind can drive us right up the
wall no matter how healthy our body is.
We had a very well known business man in our small town a few years ago. He had
been feeling pretty bad for a while and finally went to the doctor. As many
doctors are so quick to do...he began telling this man a lot of negative things...and said his symptoms pointed towards a very probable cancer. He went on
to tell him how he could expect rapid progression if his suspicions were correct.
Then he sent him right on to have several tests done. By the time the man and his
wife got home...he was so distraught...he sent his wife to the store for something
frivilous (ice cream or something) and when she returned...he had shot and killed
himself. The man had left a note that in light of the doctors prognosis, he didn't
want to put his wife and grown kids through a cancer battle that probably wasn't
going to have a good ending anyway. This whole town was abuzz with disbelief because the man was so well known and liked. Turned out the doctor was wrong...
he only had a bad bug. What a horrific shame!
It's so good to hear someone else admit that they don't do all of this stuff absolutely perfect. I read some of these posts and hear the things these people
say they do day in and day out and I think..."They're a lot better and stronger
person than "I" am."
Thanks for a wonderful post! kathryn