Re: Can anyone help me DIAGNOSE my mom's problem? It is so STRANGE!!!!
Hi pixie...I used to have a formula that I gave out and I've turned my library upside down looking for it. It's written on a little bitty piece of paper. :-)
And for some reason, I never 'logged' it anywhere to refer back to later. But
I think it's 5 Brewer's Yeast Tablets and 1 Vit B 50 Complex capsule every morning
and every evening for one or two weeks. Most people are totally healed at the end
of the first week.
It just works for all kinds of skin problems. I came across it years ago after
spending well over $1,000 on my hands that were just destroyed by contact dermatitis. I went to the best dermatologists close to us (5 in all) and
no one could help me. Then I ran across this formula and my hands were as smooth
as a baby's behind within one week. Since that time, I've given it to so many
people...and I have yet to give it to someone that didn't get quick and perfect
results. I just hope this was all there was to the formula. And I think it was
just these 2 supplements. It's been years since I've even thought of the formula.
My hands were just like your moms fingertips hands were raw and oozie..
would bust and crack and crust over. I just had a miserable time until I found a
way to cure myself.
I hope your mom will at least get these 2 items and give it 2 sure won't
hurt her...and I'd almost bet it will solve her problem totally.
This stuff worked so well, we were constantly getting calls from people who had
heard of someone using the formula and curing their raw oozie hands...and tried it
themselves and got the same results...and they just wanted to call and say thanks.
One day I was shopping and I noticed the elderly lady beside me paying for her
things...and her hands were all raw and oozie...and she acted like they were very
painful. I said, "Excuse me...I couldn't help notice your hands, because mine used
to look just like that...and I can tell you how to cure them within one week."
She said she wanted to know how. So I tore a piece of her sack off and wrote the
formula (which I knew for sure by heart back then..because it was fresh and new
to me too, then)...I also wrote my name and address and told her that if it worked
for her, would she please drop me a line and let me know. I heard from her about
2 weeks later, praising the formula and thanking me for telling her about it. She
said she had lived in misery from the pain. We didn't even know each other from
Adam's all fox....but we met over 'raw hands' :-)
She was 76 and was just passing through...lived about one hour north of us.
So tell your mom to run out and get Brewer's Yeast tablets...and Vit B50 capsules...
if you don't have a health food can find these at Walmart....and let
us know what happens. kathryn