i have been trying the barefoot method of half soy lecithin and half olive oil mixed and taken at night before bed. one tbspn per day and after a week my skin is much better than it was. MH is going to this method instead of Liver Flushing and he says it will keep the liver clear for life without flushing. i have done seven flushes and still recommend them because of the instant results, but i myself may be done with them. time will tell.
also, histimine reactions are a sign of drought or dehydration in the body. do the http://www.watercure2.com thing before going too far with other theories. in essence, 1/2 your bodies weight in ounces(if you weigh 100 lbs, you would drink 50 oz) and a quarter tspn of Sea Salt for every quart drank. do this every day.