Whats wrong with me? HELP
Hallo, first sorry about my english
I have a strange health problem. About three years back I had a sudden attack (if I can call it that) of muscle tingling/twitching all over my body. It started suddenly, also on my head i had tingling and litle clickig (i hope you know what i mean) it stayed like that for about a week i guess than it decreased but it has allways up to this day remained at some level, i feel it every day i got used to it. also recently i had more health problems i think connected with this, when i came back from holiday on sea, where i got some kind of stomach virus, i had pains around my heart for abouth month and a half, also some times my heart would skip, also i notices that after i got the virus the tingling on the lower part at the back of my head was felt. now recently my night vision was reduced dramaticly, i dont see anything when switching off the lights, it improves after few minutes, also light stays long when i look at the monitor or something light for instance and close my eyes, if you know what i mean, to make thigs worse my hair has gotten mutch thinner, not only on had but all over the body, it was thick now its very thin some hairs are almost transperent which at times gives it a gray look, my hair is also shedding a bit at the right side of the had, and i've lost some hair on my legs. now i have a white tongue every morning and last year i did the test on candida few times, sometimes it was not found some times the tests on my nose and tongue showed small amouts, i guess around 50%. my muscles shake alot when i am outside in winter, mutch more than before, i guess it muscle weakness, some times i 've also felt all over would get shudder/shiver, arms legs head. i did candida antibodies test which showed 1:40, in the lab they told me it was increased but not positive, right on the border of having it
now i dont know what it may be, is it candida? those are not tipical candida symptoms, or are they?? how come it increases when i had a virus, and what about the heart problems that i had? may be its combination of candida and virus? any one had simmilar problems? PLEASE HELP