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Re: No Heart Health Forums?
kathryn101 Views: 925
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 357,989

Re: No Heart Health Forums?

Well, you'll probably get a good selection of opinions this evening...but if it were
our daughter...I'd just tell her to take it easy until she talks to the doctor and
finds out exactly what the problem is. ESPECIALLY since there is a baby in the oven.

Hopefully her appointment is soon...and I hope she will ask questions. Have her
carry a small notebook and write down all the important things her cardiologist says
about her condition. Then if you'll post again and let us know...we'll try to help.

Many things are good for the heart...but you don't really know what you're dealing
with so I'm leary of suggesting anything myself. In general...juicing, deep breathing...and exercise are the fastest way to turn your health around.

OHHHHHHHHH and on the 'heart forum'...I'm just sure I've read on the cardiology/heart forum before...that alikat referred us to...and maybe even posted there...but I just didn't
think of it when you fact, the other day...I was looking down the
list of active forums for the day and thought..."I can't believe there isn't a
'heart' forum" :-/

Keep us posted...kathryn


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