Sorry Hally!!
I don't think the intention was to sound alarming and maniacal,.....please. :-( Emphasis was made only because we have seen it where someone has a condition that needs immediate attention ( and certainly not limited to headaches) and they come asking for herbal, homeopathic, whatever methods. Alternative methods are always safer and kinder to the system than conventional methods, but they take longer to work. In an emergency situation where there is intense pain, severe blood loss, etc., reassuring someone that an herbal or some other alternative method will work just fine can keep the person from getting the immediate assistance they need.
We are not here to propose ever that conventional treatments are to be desired above alternative ones, not by me anyway. The majority come here precisely to get away from the toxic mainstream. But great care must be excercised when giving out advise. In your case, your headche may be due to toxic overload,
food allergies , molds in the cheeses, candida overgrowth, stress, hormonal imbalances, and a plethora of other things which are relatively simple to treat once you know the cause. Obviously, you wouldn't treat a headcahe caused by a hormonal imbalance the same way that you would one caused by an allergy to a food or substance, would you? Then again, someone else may come in here who also has a headache and it's due to an impending stroke or aneurism. The fact is, sitting behind our keyboards we simply do not know, and we could be causing more harm than good.
Once you've pretty much ruled out the causes for your symptoms or found an actual direct cause, we can better guide you to cleansing and alleviating remedies. And most of us here believe that there is no dis-ease or problem that can not be solved effectively away from your MD's office.
Therefore please forgive us if we sounded alarmist, again, that was not the intention, rather the way the thread developed. PLease let us know of your progress.