How does that help? n/m
christa...Do you have a juicer? I've been told by several...that the juice of
Celery will get rid of a migraine within 15 minutes. Now, I would think you would
have to mix the
Celery juice with carrot juice to make it drinkable. But I'm sure
there are many people who have drank straight
Celery juice. If you don't have a
juicer...just try eating 4 or 5 long sticks of celery.
I don't have migraines myself...but I have given this to other people who swear by
it. So at least give it a try.
Ringing in your ears...That could be from your sinuses...and sinus problems are
from mucous. You can do a search and find what foods and liquids cause the most
mucous...dairy is one.
I used to give our daughter this combination...and it always worked within 30 minutes:
4 or 5 flax oil capsules (but you could use flax oil)
B complex 100
Good multi
Hope some of this will help you...I know migraines are miserble to say the least.