I've talked to a lot of people who had IV treatments of DMPS or oral treatment of DMSA to remove heavy metals from their bodies and both drugs have very strong side effects and are incredibly hard on the liver and kidneys. Both DMPS and DMSA move the metals out of the cells and if you're body doesn't excrete the metals quickly enough through the stools, urine and sweat, you just reabsorb the heavy metals back into your body. Please read my other post about how I dealt with my mercury poisoning. I have heard nothing good about DMPS and DMSA.
Another site with products that people have used to detox from heavy metals is http://www.detoxxbox.com I don't agree with their diet plan as it is loaded with dairy products but I've talked to people who've used some of their supplements, such as the Calcium Magnesium Butyrate and PhosChol. PhosChol is phosphatidyl choline, which is one of the primary ingredients in a product I use that is very non-toxic.