my father's cough won't go away please help
My dad has been suffering from a strange, shallow, almost nasal sounding cough for months and months. I remember it beginning sometime around Thanksgiving (probably before). I doesnt sound too painful, nor does he complain about it- but he coughs atleast once every two minutes. His good friend is a lung doctor and doesnt know what it is- he has supposedly seen lots of doctors who've suggested that it has something to do with allergies (he has said that hes always had lung-related problems). He's also had gastro reflux on and off for years. He's mentioned things people have suggested about yeast infections and sinus infections.... but he's still coughing. He smoked when he was really young and has been off cigarettes for years. He drinks a beer every night (yeast?). He eats a lot of fish and the occasional red meat, but a very large portion of his diet is vegetable based- he eats soy nuggets and fake meat often, as well. He takes sleeping pills occasionally. An antacid every now and then. He's active (tennis a few times a week and maybe a bikeride or a walk through the woods with the dog every week). His job gets him down a lot and he's pretty reactionary/easy to rile up/doesnt cope with stress exceptionally well (but who does?). The gastro reflux has probably always been stress related. I don't know of any supplements he takes or of any other habits that could contribute. For a meat-eater (who thinks veganism and vegetarianism specifically dumb/unhealthy/counterintuitive), he's a pretty healthy guy. The only other thing I can think of as a possible contributor is the high moisture content of our house. We live in a long, narrow ranch home in the suburbs- my bedroom is below my parents'. There is a shower in my bathroom which my mom and dad somehow forgot to put proper ventilation in. I've noticed a rather large culture of ?mildew? maybe some other mold growing on the cieling of my bathroom-- and the grouting/spackle (whatever that sealant is) (though I've attempted to patch it up once or twice) isn't too great, so I'm sure there's gross mold growing in other places. Sometimes I notice stuffy air and have a hard time breathing through my nose in my room.
I try not to ask about it-- but if/when I do he tells me he's got appointments set up, etc... He makes jokes about how he's going to kick the bucket first with my mom. I'm anxious to try to help him.