healing...boy can I relate. Take note of my handle name(jolts). There's a reason I called myself that. I used to get exactly what you describe & for a longer period than you describe. It took me a few years to figure it out but in this one post I can eliminate your problem hopefully in just a few days as long as you follow the guide lines. The problem is excitatory neurotoxins such as msg & it's aliases. You have a excess of glutamate in your body & they are being excited to death. I don't get any of these 'jolts' anymore thanks to http://www.msgmyth.com/. The problem is what your eating & drinking. I can give you a rundown of what not to consume but I'd much rather you learn on the above site & when your ready post your questions on the forum. I suggest you try the 'Test Yourself for Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) Toxicity' link on the main page. Please use the same name you have here so I know it's you. I visit that forum everyday just to keep current on things. I hate to tell you this but now that you have a excess of glutamate you will have to make a lifestyle change for the rest of your life. Feel free to email me if I can be of any futher help as I have many links & notes on the subject.