Re: Couple of questions
It sounds like you could have fluid in your eustachian tube. Especially since you mention post nasal drip. Do you have any kind of pain in your ears ?
The tubes remain closed until we yawn or swallow and then air is supposed to go through the tubes. The middle ear needs air to let the bones in the inner ear and the ear drum vibrate.
You have has this going on for two years ? I am not sure I am reading your post correctly.
I had fluid in there once for five months following an upper respiratory infection. I had some pain. I had no infection in my ears. It was extremely irritating to have that crackling going on...and on...and on all the time. I was at the point where I was willing to try about any thing. I broke down and went to an ear specialist. I cannot believe what he did, but even more than that, I cannot believe that it worked. I will share this with you.....He stuck an air hose in one of my nostrils. He pinched the other nostril shut. He told me to say coke coke I said it, he rythmically shot air into the hose in my nose ! It opened immediately ! The pain and months of aggravation was gone. He told me to pinch both my nostril shut, keep my mouth and BLOW forcefully until it cracked, and blow more until the tube was open and to do this several times a day until the problem resolved. I did it, it worked and even now, if I start to catch a cold I make sure and do that to keep that damn tube open ! I make sure I get all the mucus out before I do this manuever.
Also you may want to get some good oil of oregano and start taking that orally. It is a wonderful
Antibiotic and I think it would take care of your post nasal drip.