i agree
there are things you can do to help the symptoms:
but if you only treat a symptom , you will still always have the root problem.
far better to fight a chronic problem by going to the root.
you can check out my blog called Eye Of Newt
just goto blogs an click on it/
there are several homemade ideas you may find useful,
look for
Acne recipe.
if can't make up a lotion etc oil mix,
then consider what herbs are used in it and many are culinary
then make a regular tea and use as a facial rinse every day.
sage is esp super , crush it up fine,
pour a bit of barely heated olive oil or such over it,
and make a small paste... apply through out the day in small pastes,
for 15 minutes at a time then rinse off with a dab of apple cider vinegar diluted, (the smell will dispell )
then slash cold water to close pores again.
sage applied like that to cold sores esp can heal it within a day
and leave no residual scars .
fact is tho , that
Acne is a sign that your body is overloaded with toxins.
i wholeheartedly agree with what Blueduck said above.
deal with the root if you really want a cure.
best to you ,
Ami Joi Benton