Re: for Lapis, re: Gerson documentary film
Indeed, it is a good film. It inspired my 19 year old behind to go to the super market and buy nothing but organic fruits and vegetables. So far I was only able to afford some green apples, some romaine, spinach,
Celery sticks, and carrots. Is there some suggestions on what else i should buy? I have a weekend job which only gives me about 40-50 bucks a week. Help me. :) i've had
Acne since I was in 9th grade. So depressing. I should probably ask this in the
Liver Flush Forum , but has anyone been successful with
Liver Flushes and not done a
colonic or colema after wards? I really, really, really want to do a
Liver Flush but cannot afford
colonics or colema. Colema board costs like 250 on ebay. Thats crazy! I did one
Liver Flush but soon after had a horrible break out, and I think it was cuz of stones stuck in intestines or whatever. Apart from buying the fruits and vegetables, I also bought some cod liver oil capsules. I dont know what to do anymore, if curezone doesnt cure my acne, then nothing will. I refuse to get back on
Antibiotics ... Someone help me with suggestions. AIM-HopelessMinX Any suggestions would be nice. Thanks All!