Wow! He has had a history. if the personality changes started a year after the fall, then maybe they're not related. sounds like the allergy checkout could be the thing. it is too bad that the cranio-sacral guy didn't work out, since it does sound like there is physical stuff too. Wish I could point to a good cranio sacral person in your area, but i don't know anyone around there! i'm in minnesota -- by way of NC! And grew up in NYC (go figure!) Will you please let me know how it goes?
your son and i have something in common. i had an injury, after which my head tilted a bit when i tried to look from side to side. (The injury was the reason why i got hooked up with craniosacral). i've seen a man that does some very unusual bodywork - and i trust him greatly. he said my tilt was due to some ligaments/bones in the neck being out of place. he worked through this with me, in addition to a chiropractor, and it is better now.