Blackstrap molasses is a good source
of iron.
Dear LLL,
Several suggestions: At the top
of the CureZone home page, is a
box where you can do a Google
search. Type in "hemoglobin."
You'll find a number of interesting
posts and links. Tyler, a talented
herbalist who contributes regularly
to the Doctor
Schulze Forum , says that blackstrap molasses is a good
source of iron which your body can
assimilate. Your might want to go
to the Dr.
Schulze Forum , and repost
your questions with the title,
"Questions for Tyler and _BOB>"
Next, begin taking the vitamin C
crystals immediately. They will help
your immune system correct whatever
is ailing you. Regarding the constipation, I have two suggestions: first, switch from
flaxseed oil to ground flaxseed which you grind in your kitchen.
Go to the Constipation forum, and
find a message I left there about
8 months ago regarding the ability
of ground flaxseed to give you
regular bowel movements. My second
suggestion would be to eat an apple
as your very last food of the day;
perhaps an hour before you go to
There also is an Anemia forum at
CZ, though it's not very active.
Check it out, too.
Sounds to me like you're doing most
things right. Stay on the Healing Path.