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Re: Sea Salt.
happydog Views: 1,239
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 352,923

Re: Sea Salt.

.....I do agree with you!!
Deep Depression and suicidal thoughts in a teenager is nothing to be lax about. All mental health issues have a biochemical imbalance as a component, however it takes time to do all the tests and evalutations to identify it. A judicious dietary change is always in order, but in the meantime, steps have to be taken immediately to rule out the possibility of a tragic outcome.
There are some holistic minded psychiatrists that will offer conventional treatment for a short period of time until the patient is stabilized, and then move over to alternatives gradually. Perhaps in your son's case the meds will not be necessary, but it's best to let a professional decide that after seeing him.
I have included a link that might be useful to you. Hopefully they will have a practitioner near where you live.
I do not wish to scare you, and if it comes across this way to you I ask you to forgive me. My only intention is to help. I was very concerned by a post that came in earlier in the week here at Curezone, which I'm also going to post a link for you. Reading this is what has motivated me to look more deply into this subject, which touches many more of us than we realize.
I wish you the very best and please let us know of your son's progress.

.....I do agree with you!!
Suicidal thoughts in a teenager is nothing to be lax about. All mental health issues have a biochemical imbalance as a component, however it takes time to do all the tests and evalutations to identify it. A judicious dietary change is always in order, but in the meantime, steps have to be taken immediately to rule out the possibility of a tragic outcome.
There are some holistic minded psychiatrists that will offer conventional treatment for a short period of time until the patient is stabilized, and then move over to alternatives gradually. Perhaps in your son's case the meds will not be necessary, but it's best to let a professional decide that after seeing him.
I have included a link that might be useful to you. Hopefully they will have a practitioner near where you live.
I wish you the very best and please let us know of your son's progress.




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