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Re: Mercury testing
healing Views: 2,408
Published: 20 y
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Re: Mercury testing

yes.. My dentist did the same thing. they want you to start getting some of the toxins out before had and start prepping your immune system so tht if you get rexposed to mercury in the removal process you won't be as effected. Most people are not as educated as we are and this is the protocol the dentists seem to have establised and they won't budge. I guess they are afraid of being sued , etc, and the ada could also pull thier licrnse if that say that mercury is dangerous. also, i had an IV vit c drip and the doctor had to prescribe it and say that my body could handle it. It is very expensive, and frustrating! I do not regret having it done. I have to forgo some things and sacrifice, but my health was worth it. I hope you can get it done and not stress out too much about the money. Everything should work out in tht end. feel free to email me directly if I can assist you in anyway.

be well,
Richmond, VA


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