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Re: Enzymes
nardo4life Views: 1,344
Published: 21 y
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Re: Enzymes

Enzymes are an integral part of the digestive process. From the time food enters the mouth, enzymes are at work breaking the food down into smaller and smaller units until it can be absorbed through the intestinal wall. There are three types of enzymes in the human body:

Metabolic enzymes - Metabolic enzymes are active throughout the body.
Food enzymes- Food enzymes are supplied in the foods we consume, and are active only in the process of digestion.
Digestive enzymes - Digestive enzymes are actually produced by our bodies, but only constitute about one-fourth of the enzymes our bodies need.

Enzyme Essentials from Vision For Life International provide the most concentrated blend of enzymes and select herbs available to assist in the process of digestion. Because of their stability in the acidic environment of the upper stomach, these plant and microbial enzymes can begin their digestive action immediately after the food reaches this region. With the increased exposure to digestive enzyme activity, food has a much better chance of being broken down into small, more readily absorbed particles.

Let me know if you want some more info on Enzyme Essentials




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