it takes guts to put up wha tyouare going thru and to be abl eto admit youare jstu learning and hoping and belivign .
and we all so much are with you .. we get overenthusiastic in our endless views of how to help youwith your porblem.
i think that you have deal with an amazing chnage in such a short itme and stuck to gettin ginto a routine and sticking with it... and ready to expand..
i applaud you for openign your sel fup in such a way and shrign your fears and your determination to an entire
mass of people..
youhave more courage thant i do for sure.. and youhandle it all veyr well 8)
i agree about the oil of oregano.. there ar e a great many webs ..the key is youneed to amke sure youahve a high caarvocal %