20 y
Re: Outbreak of acne after amalgam fillings
The answer to your question is, YES, you have to rid those amalgams, and replace with white-ones. Get it out, get it out, get it out!! Your ailments will only multiply. When it's over, you will have more than
Acne due to amalgams. I am 33 years old, and have 9 of them. I've been getting
Amalgams placed ever since 1979, and I've had
Acne ever since along with other ailments. I just found out recently that it was due to these silver fillings. I did my own investigation, thanks to the internet. I also had abnormal cortisol and testosterone test. I have Cushing's syndrome, due to my pituitary and thyroid gland accumalating mercury. I've had it ever since, just didn't know and my parents didn't know. If you don't want to have repoductive problems, along with a fat belly, stretch marks, masculine build, facial hair, and a big moon face like mine, rid them. I can show you some pictures of me growing up with a very fat moon face, masuline build and stretch marks ever since third grade. I always thought, until now, that was just how I looked. Back in December 2004, I had a thyroid goiter in my neck, due to some crappy doctor placing me on a drug call syntroid to regulate my thyroid. Unstead it made my thyroid over-active. I got really tired of that goiter. So I decided to rub olive oil on my temple and neck, rub aloe vera gel on my neck, drank aloe vera juice, yogi detox tea, and green tea with plenty lemons and honey. I figured these good things would run that goiter away. It did just that. Also my head was hurting so badly, my body was aching, and I had a fever, and was sweating profusely, and my teeth felt so senitive. After it was all over my symthoms of Cushing's were gone. I've never seen myself look like that a day in my life. Then my beauty went away in a matter of a week. I assume the mercury, let off it's gases and vapors again and took my beauty away. Well, atleast I've gotten it all figured out know. Rid this mercury! I have an appt on 3/1/05.