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Re: magnesium supplemenation and detoxing
prettysoulful Views: 2,303
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 346,382

Re: magnesium supplemenation and detoxing

Well, the first question would be, how is you calcium intake? Magnesium is frequently deficient in Western diets, but it still needs to be balanced with calcium for its true benefits to be utilized. I have been having issues of low calcium that are expressed in my vision, stool formation, and heart rhythms. I should be getting the calcium I ordered today, and can not wait. The confusing thing about Cal/Mag is that they share symptoms of excess and deficiency. Try dropping your Magnesium or adding some calcium and see how you feel in a few days.

Also, do you do liver flushes? If so, you may be getting a megadose of Mg with each flush and supplementing Mg immediately after a flush may cause excess retention as well as calcium loss thru both diarrhea, and poor balance between the two minerals. This is what I believe caused my imbalance, so I have been dropping my Mg supplementation during the first few days after a flush.

I'm attaching a link to Acu-Cell. They have a lot of really interesting info on minerals in general and Ca/Mag specifically. Browse around the site a bit, it is very helpful.


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