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Re: Where is safe?
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Re: Where is safe?

After WWIII, Israel will be SAFE until the midpoint of the rebuilding of the Temple Of Solomon. Why? She'll be the last TRUE GOD fearing, GOD respecting nation on earth (government in so much as the masons have not infiltrated or so far as they have not... to what degree that is (no pun intended) I do not know).

The Bible indicates that Petra (hinted to on a site featuring the top military remote viewers, and a team of some of the highest I.Q.'d individuals on the planet) in South Jordan also will be the place BEYOND the reach of the mark of the beast.
Mountain tops WILL NOT be an option from nuclear fallout and continued erosion or damage to the ozone layer. The Southern hemisphere, particularly AUSTRALIA will be SAFE IF you can find a good CAVE deep underground, large with fresh air, fresh water, plant life, and perfect 50-70 degree conditions (deep caves like this ARE the answer for those who want to survive the coming worldwide enforcement of the marc of the beast supercomputers 6 6 6.... remember, it's only a few years,,,, the N.W.O. and Antichrist WILL NOT last long... So you need not stay down TOO long).

The SECRET of SURVIVAL besides walking with God and in his universal laws, (and plenty of dried food & self medical/dental preps) IS IN THE HIDING PLACE during these times to come.

Israel AFTER World War III (Israel will be badly hurt but EMERGE VICTORIUS and then the Vatican and Illuminists will revive Temple of Solomon and the Orthodox Jews full sacrificial worship!)
South Israel and South Jordan, specifically PETRA DURING the last half of the Tribulation... which WILL remain BEYOND the MARK of the B.E.A.S.T. as this Islamic KINGDOM will NOT accept the beasts mark... even though the Royal Family may be forced to flee at some point. - information taken from Scriptures.
Australia, though rumored to be home to ONE of the beast supercomputers (artificially intelligent, and far beyond what the average mind can concieve) is prophesied by some and indicated to be SAFE from nuclear attack, biochemical bombs, and the subsequent FALLOUT that will follow. NOTE however, there are MANY DEEP Caves there, which will be necessary to AVOID PERSECUTION by death and imprisonment or FORCED marking from the B.E.A.S.T. supercomputers/N.W.O. during that last 3 and a half YEAR period... so Preparations should be made for a minimum of 4 years to live UNDERGROUND. Mountain tops will only suffice until the first fallout comes (nuclear bombs) or the b.e.a.s.t marc is enforced WORLDWIDE.

As we approach CLOSER to this TIME, it's been estimated that about 12,000 or so people will start PREPARING TO LEAVE the SYSTEM from EACH of the 12 tribes (nations still having these descendants). These will be people who hear the call of God, or simply will REFUSE even under death and torture to ACCEPT THE MARKING OF THE B.E.A.S.T.

It's quite simple... so simple. And it's literal. Very literal. Why do you think the Gov. had developed BEAM WEAPONS now being deployed from Satellites? Why do you think they DEMONIZED the C.I.A. Asset BOOGEY MAN Osama Bin Laden as bringing on some 'terrorist' act from some "deep cave" in Afgahnistan?

Because the people PLANNING all this sh*T KNOW my friend... THEY KNOW very GOOD and WELL where WE are all headed... and that's to TOTAL AND COMPLETE ENSLAVEMENT and mass death... which is EXACTLY what their SPiriT GuideS are teaching and commanding of them (via pact, deception, and so on). After all, in their minds, they are SAVING the world and the human race from total self destruction, and eliminating 90% of us in the process which is required in their minds, and also to CONTROL us few remaining "animals", as they TRULY see us. Remember, they believe you are simple unevolved SOULS that will RECYCLE anyway, and they are just the ones RECYCLING you to SAVE Mother Earth.

THERE IS NO OTHER ANSWER! There ARE no other SAFE PLACES. PERIOD. THERE IS A GREAT HOPE - remember we ONLY have to survive underground about 3 and half to 4 years TOPS. Mankind is DOING THIS TO HIMSELF! It's NOT GOD, it's US, our apathy, our silence, our greed, our lust, our ignorance, and our IGNORANCE of the UNIVERSAL LAWs of this intended Christian civilization on Earth (from the time since Adam came down). There are truly EARTH spirits, and plant Spirits... A WHOLE HEIRARCHY of beings on the Astral realms or in the Spirit world. The WORLD, that one included, is crying out as America leads the planet into a Spiritual TOXIC state of mind via illusion, deception, stealth, and outright THEFT and LIES... the Bible calls it SORCERY and MYSTERY... though the former refers to DRUGS, a.k.a MEDICAL DRUGS, which are the 4th leading cause of death by contraindications, etc. etc. Cancer rates DOUBLED WORLDWIDE in 2004!!! WE CANNOT go on like this, absolutely NOT. We are POISONING OURSELVES & OUR PLANET, and enslaving ourselves with APATHY and IGNORANCE and lack of POLITICAL and SPIRITUAL ACTION. PERIOD. You want to know what the problem is LOOK IN THE MIRROR, it's US, ME, YOU, etc. We can thank the FALL of APOSTATE religion too... though I am the LAST fan of organized religion, the common man NEEDS it, and without it, we are finished. Some will argue that point, but see what LIFE is going to be like under a U.N. led (U.S. concieved, sponsored, and founded) World with CHINA as the One World Leader... I am sure you ALL will enjoy that. SAFE is Australia until the MARK of the BEAST supercomputers are FORCED worldwide. PETRA in SOUTH JORDAN and SOUTH ISRAEL are safe AFTER WORLD WAR III and the "FALSE PEACE" is "SECURED" for about 3 and a half years. THEN the ONLY PLACE SAFE outside of this south Jordan and south Israel IS DEEP IN A CAVE to ride out the TRIBULATION.

Seriously,,, THINK ABOUT IT! If you don't accept the mark, YOU WILL BE deemed an INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL... A TERRORIST... ESPECIALLY WITH CHINA (and Russia in tow, though Russia is an interesting story) RULING The PLANET... or the eastern half... and there's a GREAT Chance Prince William, who WILL BE KING, maybe ruling the WESTERN for a period of time... THE POPE IS the False Prophet... he's a NAZI YOUTH member (former) and already calling for a NEW WORLD ORDER... so is BILL CLINTON in his EMPOWER YOURSELF speeches in Canada recently as the answer to Terrorism and child poverty... Clinton will go for C.E.O. of the planet or Secretary to the U.N. and try to get Hilary in as President of the U.S. which will further WEAKEN our once Great Nation per U.N. plan.

Bush Could Seize Absolute
Control Of US Government

By Doug Thompson
Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue

President George W. Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of U.S. troops on American streets. This would give him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances.

Bush discussed imposing martial law on American streets in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by activating "national security initiatives" put in place by Ronald Reagan during the 1980s.

These "national security initiatives," hatched in 1982 by controversial Marine Colonel Oliver North, later one of the key players in the Iran-Contra Scandal, charged the Federal Emergency Management Agency with administering executive orders that allowed suspension of the Constitution, implementation of martial law, establishment of internment camps, and the turning the government over to the President.

John Brinkerhoff, deputy director of FEMA, developed the martial law implementation plan, following a template originally developed by former FEMA director Louis Guiffrida to battle a "national uprising of black militants." Gifuffrida's implementation of martial law called for jailing at least 21 million African Americans in "relocation camps." Brinkerhoff later admitted in an interview with the Miami Herald that President Reagan signed off on the initiatives and they remained in place, dormant, until George W. Bush took office.

Brinkerhoff moved on the Anser Institute for Homeland Security and, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, provided the Bush White House and the Pentagon with talking points supporting revised "national security initiatives" that would could allow imposition of martial law and suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1978, the law that is supposed to forbid use of troops for domestic law enforcement.

Brinkerhoff wrote that intentions of Posse Comitatus are "misunderstood and misapplied" and that the U.S. has in times of national emergency the "full and absolute authority" to send troops into American streets to "enforce order and maintain the peace."

Bush used parts of the plan to send troops into the streets of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. In addition, FEMA hired former special forces personnel from the mercenary firm Blackwater USA to "enforce security."

Blackwater USA, in its promotional materials, describes itself as "the most comprehensive professional military, law enforcement, security, peacekeeping, and stability operations company in the world," adding that "we have established a global presence and provide training and operational solutions for the 21st century in support of security and peace, and freedom and democracy everywhere."

Blackwater is also a major U.S. contractor in Iraq and has a contract with the Bush White House to provide additional security work "on an as-needed basis."

The Department of Homeland Security established the "Northern Command for National Defense," a wide-ranging program that includes FEMA, the Pentagon, the FBI and the National Security Agency. Executive orders already signed by Bush allow the Northern Command to send troops into American streets, seize control of radio and television stations and networks and impose martial law "in times of national emergency."

The authority to declare what is or is not a national emergency rests entirely with Bush who does not have to either consult or seek the approval of Congress for permission to assume absolute control over the government of the United States.

The White House press office would neither confirm nor deny existence of Bush's executive orders or the existence of the Northern Command for National Defense. Neither would the Department of Homeland Security.

But my sources within the White House and DHS tell me the plans are in place, ready for implementation when the command comes from the man who keeps telling the American public that he is a "war time president" who will "do anything in my power" to impose his will on the people of the United States.

And he has made sure that power will be absolute when he chooses to use it.

© Copyright 2005 Capitol Hill Blue

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I STRONGLY recommend the books by David H. Lewis on Survival of the Remnant & Inner Cities of the Deep


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