Herpes from Oral Sex and how herpes appears in pictures.
Dear really confused,
I hope I can be of help to you.
hi, I`ve had oral sex about 3 weeks ago(but i have been very active sexually before that but always protected) and woke up the next day with about 4 medium sized pimple looking like dots on the inside of the skin convering my penis(on top) and another 5 where the skin is attached but those where smaller. I was not worried at first but now they are still present but a lot less visible...
Yes, unfortunately you can contract herpes in the gential area from receiving oral sex from a person who has a cold sore. This can happen even if they do not have a cold sore at the time of contact. (How Herpes is Spread)
The symptoms of herpes can sometimes resemble blisters, bumps, cuts, sores, or a rash in the infected area.
Also, the usual incubation period of the virus (time before any symptoms show) is approximately two to twelve days after the first exposure to the virus, however, there are many possibilities.
I didn`t consult a doctor because i had no symptoms : no burning, no itching, no nothing.
Even if you have the slightest noticeable symptom that could be herpes it is important that you visit your Doctor for a professional diagnosis. Although you could be worrying about nothing, if it is herpses, it is best that you are aware of it so that you can understand the risks and take precautions not to spread it further.
I`ve looked up pretty much every single site about herpes and found maybe one picture out of like 30 that could look like what i have. I havent had any discharges either but i have noticed a strange smell. And another thing, i dont think you can pop them.
Many herpes pictures found on the internet represent the worst case situation. The symptoms of genital herpes vary greatly from person to person, with many people having very mild symptoms or even no noticeable symptoms at all (asymptomatic).
Best of luck,
Cindy Robsinson
Herpes Support Center