Re: What Say If U Are With Influenza now These Days?
November 14, 2005
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Better Than A Flu Shot - Vitamin C Does The Trick
The flu season is upon us another time with a vengeance. This year, we have a special propaganda bonus - the bird flu - although it has very little to do with the flu that gives us the sniffles in any normal year. There is no vaccine for the bird flu because it is a bird virus that "has not yet mutated to be transmitted between humans" but we are told to take a flu vaccine, just in case ... as if that magically protected us from anything than the virus strain it has been made of.
Last year, with vaccine maker Chiron out of commission for contamination problems and the number of available vaccine doses cut clear in half, nothing disastrous happened. In fact, the number of deaths directly related to the flu virus is miniscule - completely out of proportion to the hype and the yearly expense of vaccinating millions of people.
But people are getting wiser. More and more we rely on simple things like washing our hands, getting enough rest, eating well, and above all stocking our system with a vital substance - vitamin C - to increase resistance to all those "invading" microbes, not only last year's flu strain or a hypothetical mutated bird flu viris.