1918 Flu Epidemic CAUSED BY VACCINES!!!
What about now?!?
This article says it all. The government is trying to scare the crap out of people to get them to get vaccinated, the vaccines themselves could cause a pandemic JUST LIKE IN 1918.
This eye witness account of the 1918 Avian Flu outbreak is a real eye
opener. We are up against a government engineered plan to kill us off, plain
and simple.
Get armed with information. Beef up your own immune system and be ready to
help those around you like the woman who wrote this article did back in 1918
when she acted like a nurse for her dying neighbors who ignorantly took the
vaccine. Together, we can all survive.... THE GOVERNMENT.
The Avian Flu and Drugless Doctors
BBC carried an article on 5 February titled "1918 killer flu secrets
revealed" which tells us that the scientists claim to now have figured
out that 50 million people were killed by a virus that "jumped from
birds to humans".
Obviously this is to prepare us for a "killer epidemic", something
that is supposed to hit any time now, be it this winter or the next or
the one after that.
Jon Rappoport found the most interesting analysis of the 1918 flu
disaster, in a book by Eleanor McBean. And if you haven't heard of
drugless doctors yet, here's the place where you'll meet them.
You may have noticed that researchers are now saying
they have analyzed the virus that caused the 1918 global pandemic of
flu. They are linking it to a bird virus, which stirs the pot on the
current flap about avian flu in Asia.
The PR goes this way: If this current bird virus mutates just a little
bit in the wrong direction, we could see a replay of the 1918 disaster.
Here is another analysis, written about 25 years ago by Eleanor
McBean. This excerpt, from chapter two of her book, Vaccination
Condemned, makes a quite different observation:
All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918
Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the
world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead
the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added
to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the
diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following
World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected
"seeded" with a dozen or more diseases - or toxic serumss. When all
those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.
That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition
of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress
the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the
vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family
had refused all the
vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We
knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others,
that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing
When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as
the schools, businesses - even the hospital, ass the doctors and nurses
had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the
streets. It was like a ghost town. We [who didn't taken any vaccines]
seemed to be the only family which didn't get the flu; so my parents
went from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick,
as it was impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible for
germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty
of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours
a day in the sick rooms. But they didn't get the flu and they didn't
bring any germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of
our family had the flu - not even a sniffle- and it wa was in the winter
with deep snow on the ground.
It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people
throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with
their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh
accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the
drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.
While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their
flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and
MACFADDEN'S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with
Water Cure , baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other
simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of
natural foods. One health doctor didn't lose a patient in eight years.
The very successful health treatment of one of those drugless doctors
who didn't lose any patients will be given in the other part of this
book, titled
vaccination CONDEMNED, to be published a little later.
If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors,
there would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu
There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than
among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had
been vaccinated against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in
1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of
infantile paralysis and he wondered why grown men should have an
infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect
of vaccine poisoning. Those at home didn't get the paralysis until
after the world-wide
vaccination campaign in 1918.
End of excerpt
See also
The poisoned needle - suppressed facts about vaccination
by Eleanor McBean
Protect yourself and your dog with TOPDOGs Herbal Vinegar...click
Protect yourself with Vitamin C... Click
And to learn how to inject Vitamin C
Alternatives to
Antibiotics - Natural Herbal
Antibiotics for your Animal... Click
Protect Your family and animals from mosquitos & VIRUSES...?!?Garlic? Noni!? Vit C !? be prepared...
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) in water to kill all viruses!!! Click
Here is some more important information that may help you...
The following are recommended measures to help you avoid illness:
Before You Leave with quality information...
Educate yourself and others who may be traveling with you about avian influenza A (H5N1).
Be sure and NO NOT VACCINATE, and see your Naturalpath or Herbal doctor or health-care provider at least 4 to 6 weeks before travel to get any additional Nutritional supplements needed or information.
Assemble a travel health kit containing basic first aid and medical supplies. Be sure to have
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and Tea tree Oil-based hand rub for hand hygiene, Onions, Garlic,Hot Peppers for Prevention...
Before you travel, find a Naturalpath doctor in Vietnam or the country you are visiting in case you get sick.
Check your health insurance plan or get additional insurance that covers medical evacuation in case you become sick and need to return home. You should not travel on any commercial airline if you are sick.
During Travel
Avoid places such as poultry farms and bird markets where live poultry are raised or kept, and avoid contact with sick or dead poultry.
If preparing food:
Separate raw meat from cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife for preparing raw meat and cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
Do not handle either raw or cooked foods without washing your hands in between.
Do not place cooked meat back on the same plate or surface it was on before it was cooked.
Cook thoroughly all foods from poultry, including eggs. Egg yolks should not be runny or liquid.
The cooking temperature for poultry meat should reach 70C (158 F). Influenza viruses are destroyed by heat.
Wash egg shells in soapy water before handling and cooking, and wash your hands afterwards.
Do not use raw or soft-boiled eggs in foods that will not be cooked.
After handling raw poultry or eggs, wash your hands and all surfaces and utensils thoroughly with soap and water.
Do not consume uncooked poultry or poultry products, including food with uncooked poultry blood.
As with other infectious illnesses, one of the most important preventive practices is careful and frequent handwashing. Cleaning your hands often, using either soap and water or waterless alcohol-based hand rubs, removes potentially infectious materials from your skin and helps prevent disease transmission.
If you become sick with symptoms such as a fever, difficulty breathing, cough, or any illness that requires prompt medical attention, a U.S. consular officer can assist you in locating medical services and informing your family or friends.
It is advisable that you do not travel until you are free of symptoms.
This is a commercial product available... I dont know what is in it, I believe some chinese herbs...
Vira 38
Protection you can trust
Highly effective flu medication.
Effective without the side effects.
Shown to inhibit and prevent infection of Bird Flu Virus (H5N1) and Type A human influenza virus in vitro.
Human clinical research shows Vira 38 reduces the duration of influenza illness by 78%.
Developed in the USA and Hong Kong with:
The University of Southern California, School of Medicine - USA
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Virology and Infectious Disease Unit
The Prince of Wales Hosptial - Hong Kong
Lees Pharmaceuticals - Hong Kong