Protect your family... prevention and cures...
Protect your Family and animals!!! Here is how...
Farm Use of H2O2
Adding 30 ppm hydrogen peroxide to drinking water on farms causes:
- chickens do not get avian flu
- egg production goes up
- chickens taste better
- soaking decontaminates salmonella from broiler carcasses
- turkeys weigh more on less feed
- turkeys have lower mortality rate
- hog meat is more lean and higher grade
- reduce or eliminate need for
- increased milk production and butterfat content, decreased bacteria count
- less mastitis
- foliar spray for crops
Other uses on farms (at varying concentrations):
- udder wash
- pipeline, milk can, & bulk tank rinse
- converts crop residues into animal feed (soak crop residue in 1% solution for 16 hours to break down fiber so it can be assimilated)
- power wash for barns, spray on floors & walls and leave until foaming subsides, then rinse
- disinfect water on fish farms
- reduced fungal growth on fish
- fish packed in ice made from oxygenated water are better preserved
- produce sprayed with oxygenated water lasts longer
Hydrogen peroxide is just water and oxygen. It is harmless and will not show up on a chemical residue test. The same 30 ppm is used for all farm animals and results in increased oxygen levels in the blood and cells.
- Dr. Donsbach, page 66.
Increase crop yields by spraying them with diluted hydrogen peroxide. Use 5 to 16
ounces of 35% mixed with 20 gallons of water per acre. For houseplants use one ounce of 3% per
quart of water or 16 drops of 35% solution per
quart of water.
- Dr. David Williams
Ozone is a natural alternative to purify water. Research shows drinking ozonated water helps allergies, carcinoma, cold sores, candidiasis, headaches, gastritis, gum disease, mouth ulcers, thrush, ulcers; increases circulation, reduces infections after dental work, helps remove free radicals, helps colds, flu and virus, cleans wounds and minor bruises.
Drinking ozonated water also increases the oxygen level throughout and accelerates the healing process. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a natural by-product of most ozone oxidizing processes. Hydrogen peroxide is another great natural alternative for your health.
There are three methods used for administering hydrogen peroxide to detoxify; orally, intravenous and through colonic. These applications are called Oxidative Therapies. Diseases that have benefited from this oxidative therapy are heart and cardiovascular, pulmonary, infectious and immune diseases; in addition, Cancer, Parkinson and Alzheimer.
Some prefer a 25-day program of oral treatments using 35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide for cleansing. They usually start with 3 drops mixed in an 8-ounce glass of non chlorinated pure water, juice or milk and taken 3 times a day. Dosage is increased by 1 drop per day as they work up to 25 drops 3 times a day.
The following are recommended measures to help you avoid illness:
Before You Leave
Educate yourself and others who may be traveling with you about avian influenza A (H5N1).
Be sure you are up to date with all your shots, and see your Naturalpath or Herbal doctor or health-care provider at least 4 to 6 weeks before travel to get any additional Nutritional need or information.
Assemble a travel health kit containing basic first aid and medical supplies. Be sure to have
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and Tea tree Oil-based hand rub for hand hygiene, Onions, Garlic,Hot Peppers for Prevention
Before you travel, find a Naturalpath doctor in Vietnam or the country you are visiting in case you get sick.
Check your health insurance plan or get additional insurance that covers medical evacuation in case you become sick and need to return home. You should not travel on any commercial airline if you are sick.
During Travel
Avoid places such as poultry farms and bird markets where live poultry are raised or kept, and avoid contact with sick or dead poultry.
If preparing food:
Separate raw meat from cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife for preparing raw meat and cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
Do not handle either raw or cooked foods without washing your hands in between.
Do not place cooked meat back on the same plate or surface it was on before it was cooked.
Cook thoroughly all foods from poultry, including eggs. Egg yolks should not be runny or liquid.
The cooking temperature for poultry meat should reach 70C (158 F). Influenza viruses are destroyed by heat.
Wash egg shells in soapy water before handling and cooking, and wash your hands afterwards.
Do not use raw or soft-boiled eggs in foods that will not be cooked.
After handling raw poultry or eggs, wash your hands and all surfaces and utensils thoroughly with soap and water.
Do not consume uncooked poultry or poultry products, including food with uncooked poultry blood.
As with other infectious illnesses, one of the most important preventive practices is careful and frequent handwashing. Cleaning your hands often, using either soap and water or waterless alcohol-based hand rubs, removes potentially infectious materials from your skin and helps prevent disease transmission.
If you become sick with symptoms such as a fever, difficulty breathing, cough, or any illness that requires prompt medical attention, a U.S. consular officer can assist you in locating medical services and informing your family or friends.
It is advisable that you do not travel until you are free of symptoms.
This is a commercial product available... I dont know what is in it, I believe some chinese herbs...
Vira 38
Protection you can trust
Highly effective flu medication.
Effective without the side effects.
Shown to inhibit and prevent infection of Bird Flu Virus (H5N1) and Type A human influenza virus in vitro.
Human clinical research shows Vira 38 reduces the duration of influenza illness by 78%.
Developed in the USA and Hong Kong with:
The University of Southern California, School of Medicine - USA
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Virology and Infectious Disease Unit
The Prince of Wales Hosptial - Hong Kong
Lees Pharmaceuticals - Hong Kong
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H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) in water to kill all viruses!!! Click