Re: What exactly is bird flu?
"... if Americans are the only toxic peoples, why are only people from other countries infected and dieing from it? They surely have better diets and immune systems than we do. And they don't take as much allopathic drugs right?"
our real modern health gains are in disinfection. cleanliness protocols are responsible for the health benefits that
vaccinations and diet, et al, have taken credit for. its part of the giant ruse of modern medicine.
so no, third world people are not healthier than we are, but their poor health is for other reasons - overcrowding of conditions, lack of sanitation, very poor diets(it is hard to get any benefit from cardboard boxes), people living with animals and in their filth, and a mega dose of all the toxins we at least somewhat control here like lead and carbon monoxide.
dehydration from lack of sanitation is the number one killer in the world. a clean water supply is more precious than gold on this earth and we, in our arrogance, take our clean water and water lawns and mix it with our own filth and heat it just to let it run over our bodies and down the drain. no wonder the world hates us.
in some places like india, they dont need to be prescribed the poisonous drugs, they are the workers in the factories making them and they die like flies on raid. we only here about when these plants actually blow sky high and kill many at once.
so the answer to your question is we dont have the filth that they do and they, hard as it is to believe, are more ignorant than we are. and much more desperate.