19 y
Re: People are thrilled with me
Ok, you guys are acting so childish! Fist off, he DOES give the Cure in his book, unlike populer belief, he DOES give the SPECIFIC CURES for CANCER, ARTHRITIS, MS, ETC. And that was just in his first book! I his nw book he gives more than 75 diseases and their SPECIFIC BRAND NAME PRODUCTS THAT CURE THE DISEASE. He lists the companies name, the products name, the website for the product, and the telelphone for the product. It's so cool!
Also, anybody who doesn't want to pay $17.95 out of their pockets are idiots. It's cheap, it's only $3 dollars more than his first book that is $14.95.
He DOES give the specific cures for diseases, and he doesn't claim that he FOUND these cures! He says very clearly that from his observation the following cures seem to work the best on people. He's never said he discovered these cures!
His new book is amazing and it's deffinatly going to get sell more than a million copies very soon.