19 y
Re: It's ok to disagree, but...
Thank goodness for hedonism!! The puritanical ethic in this country is alive and well I see. If people weren't so uptight about sex, then I think we'd be a lot better off. Perhaps if we were open about sex, it would lose it's mystique of being so bad.
The moral ethics of this country is a matter of perception only.
People will not marry dogs, that is the most ridiculous thing the puritans argue against gay marriage. But I bet there are some so called moral people that might have a dalliance with their dogs....
Fear of sex is what drives most people. There is also a great fear that they, if put in the position, might actually be titillated by the thought of same gender sex. They claim disgust, but deep down, I bet they've thought about it. I bet everyone has thought about it!! Those that protest too much might have really thought about it.
Gay marriage is not about SEX, but thats the big scary word. The moralists have shrunk it down to the lowest common denominator. If you love someone, and they love you, and you want to live a life together, and you want to share the benefits of this, such as health care, being at ones bedside in a hospital, having the ability to keep the possessions you gathered together, legal support in the eyes of society, and above all societal validation of your relationship, then we need to think differently and take SEX out of the equation. Instead, we need to think about LOVE and commitment.
So, try to stop running those pictures through your mind when you see a gay couple. If the moralist could look at two men, and make a mental conditioning away from SEX, and instead think about shopping.
Lecture over.