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Lesbians in Chicago
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Lesbians in Chicago

While working in the south side of Chicago in a heavily drug and crime infested area I met a large group of lesibian women, they were all living together in a large burnt out, run down apt complex building in a very serious crime ridden area. I decided to spend some time talking with these women as I found it odd so many lesbian females would all live in one huge apartment complex in what could only be called a drug war zone area of chicago. Here is what these lesbian women told me:

The women were almost all poor white women, most were irish, once raised catholic women, now anti catholic and self proclaimed lesbians, a small few were black and a few were hispanic, almost all of them were single mothers living on welfare and or in very bad poverty who had suffered some type of terrible abuse from thier childrens father or a male in thier past, all were impregnated by males who seduced them and then abandoned them and thier children.

The women told me they were not really 'lesbians', as in 'sexual lesbians' as p 0 r no males describe them, but that they all called themselves and identified themselves as 'lesbians' for survival reasons: to keep the gangs of neighboring violent,white, kkk supporting, abusive, predatory, non supportive so called cathylick white males away from them and to keep the white cathylick corrupt chicago males from furthur raping, assaulting, spreading infectious stds to them, working them over, robbing or murdering them and hurting thier children, many told me the males would try to rob and assualt them to steal thier pittance of childrens welfare food coupon monies.
They told me they lived as so called lesbian women couples just to SURVIVE and co opt finances, shared food, shared rent costs, shared housing PROTECTION, shared babysitting for each other and to protect each other as females and to protect thier own and each others children from further assualts, robberies, rapes, std infections spread by the males, and avoid unwanted pregnancies,and avoid being used as spoils, from the violent dissolute degenerate derilict abusive white so called cathylick males in thier crime blighted community of south side chicago.
There was nothing happy or "gay" about the terror and poverty these lesbian women lived in. Lesbianism was a SURVIVAL DECISION, almost a NECESSITY for them and had nothing to do with perverse sex. p 0 r no minded preverted males PROJECT the sexualism in lesbianism. These women told me they were lesbians because it was the only SAFE way they knew how to survive and PROTECT THEMSELVES and thier children from sickie white cathylick male rape, being infected with aides by the sick std transmitting infectious promiscuous males, they said they were lesbians to protect against male robbery, unwanted pregnancy, furthur assault, aides, std's, poverty and abuse.

I cried after getting to know the stories of these self proclaimed, once catholic, now very anti catholic "lesbian women".
I cried because of the way pervert patriarchial mysogynist sickie males portray lesbians in the media, news and p 0 r no industries. I cried because of the horrible despair, violence, poverty, oppression and crime that surrounded these few hundred so called lesbian women who all lived in one huge complex they formed together to PROTECT THEMSELVES from the violent bands, hordes and gangs of degenerate drunk, drug addict, violent abusive, child molesting, woman exploiting, white SO CALLED catholic pondscum corrupt degenerate men who targeted these poor geographically unfortunate women and children as "CAPTIVE UNARMED SPOILS, and routine rape, robbery and assault victims. NO WONDER THEY BECAME LESBIANS. I saw how abused and afflicted these poor, oppressed, terrified, targeted, once catholic, now lesbian, single mom women, single injured women and thier children really were. They made it EVIDENTLY CLEAR to me they became lesbians TO SURVIVE and to STOP the perverted male patriarchial sex abuse, rape, pimping, assault, std's being spread to them by the males, robbery, exploitation and oppression the white male sickie woman hating, child abusing degenerate pedophille males, criminals and degenerate frauds of the cathylick church had tried to FOIST and FORCE upon them via corruption, theft, violence, assault, oppression, injustice, crime and even drugging.

I say let all lesbian women marry each other and give them all free access to abortions and birth control, guns and self defense, safe housing and equal employment and safe access to transportation, jobs and education and the FINANCIAL and LEGAL protection of lesbian marriage so they can no longer be used by sickie cathylick gun toteing white inner city kkk males, as rape targets and abandoned as single parents in poverty as battered, broken bodied moms, std infected, misused and mistreated as forced baby incubators by violent dissolute degenerate woman abusing child raping so called catholic snake males who try to destroy and keep the poor women down as oppressed, violence terified, assualt and rape victims, unwanted child breeders, and poverty captives, poisoned by the pedophille liar priests who are sexist racist pedophillic pondscum with thier poisonous sexist racist demonic woman and child abusing, the cathylick poisonous patriarchy freaks renounce and try to prohibit condom use in high rape, aides and std infected regions, countries, towns and blighted areas, these pedophille patriarchs are murderous demonic pedophille, cathylick patriarchy woman and child oppressors and exploiters and they profit from the gun toteing booze peddling pondscum vatican crime sponsered self proclaimed cathylick politicians corruption, exploitation and oppression of women and children.
Mayor richie daily and his cathylick lottery GAMBLING commision have stolen millions in childrens school and lunch money, school ear marked lottery profits are POCKETED by these pigs and the children and schools are given nothing. the poor inner city chicago public school system. these lottery profits were supposed to support childrens school education. the corrupt irish cathylick gambler politicians STEAL AND POCKET THE CHILDRENS LUNCH MONEY AND PUBLIC SCHOOL MONEY. Richie daily's cathylick wife maggie used the childrens lunch and public education money to fly to italy for a holiday with the mayor and buy herself 2, 2 million dollar GONDOLAS hand carved in italy and shipped to chicago so this corrupt mayors wife can take a 4 million dollar gondola ride in the chicago river while the city's public school children have no desks, no pencils, no working toilets in thier schools and ceilings are falling down on thier heads in un-maintained, never repair classrooms. Chicago's inner city schools are crumbling, falling down, over crowded, understaffed, under funded with virtually no supplies, no working facilities, the swimming pools are cracked and closed, there are no computers, no gym facilities, no musical instruments, crumbling ceilings,no working toilets, on and on and on. The mayor took 42 MILLION dollars to build a giant POD art deco design sculpture on the lake in his front yard for himself and his wife. No money for education, no lunch money for children, no money for safe school buses, no funds for the repair of schools, no monies for supplies for education of children, no money for ill homeless men women and children who can be seen begging on every corner. Cathylick richie daily does have money for LIQUER LICENSES AND BOOZE PEDDLING TAVRENS on every street and street corner of chicago and the mayor spent 42 million on lawn landscaping and a giant goofy art sculpture on his wife's and his private lakefront lawn they call a park. To survive in this oppressive corrupt obscene perverted woman and child abusing, robber, booze peddler, cathylick male, sickie exploiters environment, the cathylick women I met became lesbian to protect themselves and thier children and to survive the criminal exploitation and waste of the degenerate cathylick criminal politicans. No woman is safe, no senior citizen is safe, no child is safe and No little boys rear end is safe in poisonous pedagogy corrupt double agenda perverse vatikan corrupted south side irish cathylick chicago, home of the vatican booze peddler snakes, some say they are the snakes st.patrick ran out of ireland.

I saw nothing "gay" about the lives of these lesbian women.
These lesbian women only wanted to live, survive, protect themselves and protect thier children and other women from gangs of sickie kkk drunk violent irish catholic males. The lesbian women told me they wanted to come and go for food and necessities without being raped and battered, get safely to a work, a job training or a school without being raped, robbed and or assaulted by hordes of kkk sickie white cathylick males that spread std's and aides and infect and imprisoned them with barriers of rape, no abortion, no prophylactics, forced rape pregnancies, abandoned babies, broken bodies, crippling assaults, std diseases, poverty, derliction, dissolution, threats, guns, knives, drugs, corruption and violence, this is lesbian life on the irish catholic south side of chicago in 2004. Non lesbian women fill the domestic violence courts as battered spouses and single moms reciving NO child support from these cathylick fathers. The still married women I met were alcoholics to cope, very physically ill themselves, depressives on meds to cope, or they suffered agoraphibia and worse to cope with the cathylick mens abuse corruption and criminal assaults and pedophillia perversion condoned by the cathylick church with thier women exploiting poisonous double motive pedagogy.
This all goes on because of the sickie corrupt cathylick pedophile agenda of booze frontman richie the SNAKE mayor of chicago dailey and his cathylick kkk sexist racist, women abuser & pedophille cohorts. Mayor richie daily of chicago and his dad have been passing out thousands upon thousands of LIQUER LICENSES in every cornor of chicago to his drunk buddies to keep the cathylick males violent stupified, drunk and killing each other, killing and battering the women and children and drugging and killing and exploiting and robbing the targeted negro and elderly populations of chicago. Booze Mayor richie daily and his corrupt cronies make SO MUCH MONEY SELLING ALCOHOL LICENSES AND BOOZE ON EVERY STREET CORNER IN CHICAGO they LAUGH all the way to the booze bank while women and children are battered, maimed, raped, assaulted, robbed and killed every day. It's just one big, woman and child abusing, BOOZE MONEY $$$$$$ racket for cathylick chicago mayor richie daily, his alcohol peddler rackets, gambling theft, & all the booze peddler profiteering that these corrupt cathylick snakes have been doing to chicago and chicago's women, children, poor white males, blacks and hispanics for over 5 decades of booze peddling and sexist and racist cathylick pedophile kkk patriarchial oppression and CORRUPTION. Never wonder why the corrupt booze peddling joe kennedy's kids all fell off of mountains, or got shot, or fell out of planes, when you are a servant to the devil of booze, bad things happen to you.
Lesbianism is a SURVIVAL NECESSITY for the women I met in chicago.
Only a snake cathylick mysoginist mole booze profiteering frontman like richie the snake mayor daily could laugh his hyenia head off over selling trainloads and tankers of booze and booze licenses daily on every street corner in chicago, only corrupt cathylick richie daily could laugh and howl like the corrupt hyenia he is at all the
booze profits, stolen lottery gambling profits, the domestic violence court profits, the crime profits, the dui car crash profits, his city tow company and violent crime courts really make money, the rape case profits, the robberies, murders that keep his 14,000 drunk kkk bodyguards, cathylick cops buzy and leeching off of taxpayers, crime victim ambulence $$$ contracts, degenerate democrat medical monies to mistreat alcohol related crime victims he and his booze dealer corrupt cohorts create in the booze, higest liquer license sales per city block and city mile, murder capital of usa, the corrupt beer baron booze and crime profiteer town called chicago.
Lesbianism is a social, economic, political and SURVIVAL NECESSITY, not a sex choice, but a survival reaction and survival adaptation for the lesbian women I met. They were trying to cope with the degenerate corrupt violent male cathylick pedophile patriarchy front for vatican cathylick sponsered booze, CRIME, genocide med, std transmitting, forced pregnacy from rape and seduction, and denial of birth control, racist and sexist human, woman and child rape exploitation, oppression and crime PROFITEERING.
Why would a catholic mayor like richie daily sell thousands and thousands of liquer licenses on every corner of his city? Is that what all cathylick pedophille priests pedophille bishops, pedophille cardinals and pedophile popes teach cathylick politicians to do? Who owns the cathylick vatican? SEAGRAMS?

Bill Gates committe on aides 2006 found 'when males run the infra structure of an area, disease, starvation, aides, crime, stds, poverty and death rates go thru the roof' because 'male administrators STEAL the food, medicine, education, housing etc money directed for health, education, and EMPOWERMENT of women, health and education of children, protection of the elderly and thier health, welfare, medicine, food, home, transportation, education and other life supporting basic services. These men, according to Bill Gates 2006 committes findings, "exploit women as sex objects" and "work the women over", abusing the women and children as sex OBJECTS and stealing the education, milk and cookie money from the children. One need only look at the childrens school and lunch money stolen by mayor richie daily and his sexist vatican reprehensible pervert cohorts in the city of chicago, to know bill gates sees the truth behind corruption, disease, spread of stds, poverty, crime and death: the cause is perverted corrupt pedophile mysogynist males.

Lesbianism makes a lot of sense to me as a social reaction to pedophillic vatican and poisonous pedagogy. Now the pope and bishops are trying to ban condom distribution in areas where entire populations of women are being raped and dying of std's and aides being spread by sick std infectious promiscuous cathylick males. Why would a pope and bishop want to spread stds and try to block the distribution of condoms? Why do these same cathylick popes and bishops want to sodomize young male children anally? To spread thier aides and stds to the children?


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