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Considering that for every single boy abused...
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Considering that for every single boy abused...

Considering that for every single boy abused by a pedophile homosexual man there are at least 3 to 5 girls abused by pedophile heterosexual men,
and considering that all pedophile heterosexual pigs are allowed to be legally married and to adopt kids ...

you, vtool just presented a great argument why homosexuals should also be allowed to marry and to adopt kids, even if they are pedophiles.

If heterosexuals are allowed to adopt kids while in the same time they are raping 5 times as many young girls as many young boys get raped, why is it that homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt kids in a democratic country?

Isn't that law discriminatory? Is that the law that you agree with?

vtool, can you explain that? Why are heterosexual child molesters allowed to marry and to adopt kids, while the same is not allowed for homosexuals?

Something in your argument does not sound logical?

Sure, if we use your logic, we should never allow any male to adopt kids, considering that 99% of all child molesters are male.

But, majority of male are allowed to adopt kids, and why are only homosexuals discriminated?


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