that's rather strange logic dear John. Heroine is pleasurable to both men and women. Alcohol is pleasureable to most people. Smoking is pleasureable. Eating lots of chocolate,
Sugar candies, and so on is pleasurable.
The Creator has made LAW, UNIVERSAL Law, and a moral and ethical law and rules for us, not by restriction for restriction sake, but for our safekeeping, and those of others. For example, many gay men prey on young boys. They seek them out, and sexually assault them, or seduce them into something that many young boys commit suicide over or deal with natural guilt years later. In this case, it's not so pleasurable for those involved. John we have a users manual by our Creator or "Maker"... it's a handbook for living. Clearly God states Homosexuality is SIN, it's WRONG, and it's pure evil. Think about all those boy psychologically, sexually, and emotionally damaged for life. God HATES homosexuality John. He burned Sodom and Gomorrah for that in large part, and soon Mystery Babylon America, according to God's word, will see God's judgements. After all, George W. Bush is bisexual, and has dated a mayor of a Texas town, and GOD HATES HATES HATES homosexuality, but loves man, and though God's a loving god, God's also a GOD of justice, and America is on God's doo doo list right about now.