My Son has never been sick...
and he has never been vaccinated either...
He is 20 months old, has always slept through the night, from 7pm til 6am, has never thrown up, has never had a fever or diahrea or even a cold. On 2 occasions where he may have had the sniffles, he slept a few extra hours and was fine.
My mother-in-law never brings up the subject of getting him vaccinated anymore. She can't figure out why he never gets ill, but won't conceed to the fact that we were correct about vaccinations. Even my wife has personally thanked me for being so adamant about not allowing him to get
vaccinations and that we made the correct choice.
Other friends of ours can't get over his good nature, alertness, his health and his strength and size as well. They also can't believe he's never been ill.
Be strong and don't let doctors bully you into doing what you don't want done to your child!