fluoride is a most caustic substance. it allows for breaching the blood/brain barrier. i dont see how the placental barrier would be any dfferent. and it not only is able to get through, it carries other stuff with it, stuff that shouldnt - wouldnt normally - get through. i wouldnt trust any expert opinion on it. the dialog on fluoride in this country is insane - and anyone who would purposely takes it is too, or soon will be.
sorry, the stuff wrecked my life and made me insane and so sick i couldnt function. boxes of sprayed apples(i thought i was eating healthy) are what broke this camels back. for a real treat, ingest a bunch of fluoride while using the mosquito repellant deet. that destroys the blood/brain barrier and creates multiple chemical sensitivity. its like being able to read everyones thoughts but you can feel all the chemicals in the air wherever you go. fun stuff. a definite part of the gulf war syndrome as well - bug dope and DU(depleted uranium - it hase fluorine in it).