Re: 15 yrs in bed! I'd rather be dead!
I don't think it's about fearing death.
And I know it's easy for us to THINK we would rather be dead in a situation such as Terri's. But I don't think any one of us can predict how we would feel.
And how do we know that she is brain dead? How do we know that another part of her brain isn't compensating for any damaged part? There's got to be some explanation for how others have been through this same kind of brain trauma and have regained functions that their doctor's claimed they'd never regain.
And in Terri's case, she must have a strong will to live. I think anyone in her situation that truly would rather be dead would have given up and died already.
There is a reason she is holding on. Her parents suspect that she knows a secret, that is why her husband wants her dead. IF that is true, IF that is the case, IF you were in Terri's shoes, you probably would want to live if you felt there was any hope of you ever regaining your speech one day. Maybe that is what is keeping her alive.
For me personally, I agree with you. I would rather go on to be with God than be a vegetable, if there was no hope of my ever regaining a normal life. Or if I would have to wait many many years to have that life. And especially if I was truly brain dead.
But in Terri's case, she doesn't seem to be as brain dead as they think she is. And if I were in Terri's situation, IF I had a secret that NEEDED to be told, I can see how I might change my mind and decide to hold on to life and HOPE, rather than choose death.
If she doesn't have a secret... I don't know why she is holding on, since she has no children and no husband, (since he has moved on). That must be between her and God. But I just think, despite what ever she MAY have ever told her husband, she wants to live. She has a STRONG WILL to live. Maybe she thought she'd rather be dead and mentioned so in conversation, and maybe she changed her mind when it came right down to it.
For me, that is my reason for thinking it is wrong to not allow her any food and water. It isn't about fearing death. I can see them taking away the tube feeding. But some say she can swallow a little bit. Why not let her have food and water for comfort?